Words Starting With Letter "P"

Posted 11:42 by Sailaja Prakash in Labels:

When a word starts with the letter "P", it should pronounced stressfully like "Ph". But when the same letter "P" comes in between a word, then it should be pronounced normally.

For Example:

The word "Party" should be pronounced as "Pharty".

The word "Park" should be pronounced as "Phark".

The word "Picnic" should be pronounced as "Phicnic".

2 comment(s) to... “Words Starting With Letter "P"”


Unknown said...

Words Starting with 'P'

There are Total 14525 words Starting with P (Prefix) found after searching through all the words in english.

Example : 1). Psychopathologically 2). Psychopharmacologist 3). Psychopharmacologies 4). Pseudoparenchymatous 5). Pseudocholinesterase

Words starting with Letter...

Anonymous said...

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